Dr. KRISTINE FRECK,Ph.D, LMFT, MA. Spiritual Direction Certification
Psychotherapy, Trauma, Chemical Dependency, Spiritual Direction, Santa Barbara Therapist
(805) 679-3003
Clients of all types and backgrounds have discovered how counseling can help provide the tools needed to become a better version of themselves. See what they are saying about their work Kristine.

“Until I had my first session with Kristine, I felt no one understood what I was going through. She helped me tremendously with learning how to deal with my situation. I now have a new perspective on life because of Kristine’s guidance and help. You will start seeing positive results if you are patient, listen to her feedback and work on your part. I highly recommend Kristine and am very grateful for her help.”
- S.C.
- S.C.
"I use the word prescience to describe Kristine. It means perceptiveness, wisdom, insight providence. I believe this word applies to her in a very important way...of really having a more experienced way of looking at life! For me, you have been a very important part of my sobriety and I thank you for your prescience.
- Kim

"Thank you for all your time and wisdom. I can't explain how much my soul benefits from our sessions. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity to learn from such a kind, enlightened woman."
- Holly
"I was blown away. Can't get [Thee Earth School] out of my head. It captivated me.
You may be on to something!”
- Cyndie
"I love Earth School! Kristine brilliantly creates a magical yet practical learning environment that is both safe and supportive. Earth School fits perfectly with the spiritual principles of the 12 step program of recovery."
- Judy
“I saw Kristine for my therapist for three months, one day a week for one hour. In my honest opinion, Kristine was a very important part of my recovery, I would recommended her in the highest regard.”
- Angel